
تحميل كتاب الدليل المصور للغة البرمجة بايثون 3 Book Illustrated Guide to Python

تحميل كتاب الدليل المصور للغة البرمجة بايثون 3 Book Illustrated Guide to Python

    تحميل كتاب الدليل المصور للغة البرمجة بايثون 3 Book Illustrated Guide to Python

    3 Book Illustrated Guide to Python
    تحميل كتاب الدليل المصور للغة البرمجة بايثون 3 Book Illustrated Guide to Python ، استكمالا لسلسلة تعلم بايثون للمبتدئين Learn Python نقدم لكم في هذه المقالة كتاب الدليل المصور للغة البرمجة بايثون 3 Book Illustrated Guide to Python ، من تأليف Matt Harrison .

    Introduction The Book Illustrated Guide to Python 3 pdf

    The Interpreter in Python

    PYTHON IS Commonly Classified as An  Interreted Language. Another Term used to describe an interpreted language is scripting language. To run a computer program on the CPU, the program must be in a format that the CPU understands, namely machine code. Interpreted languages do not compile directly to machine code, instead, there is a layer above, an interpreter that performs this function.

    There are pros and cons to this approach. As you can imagine, on the fly translating can be time consuming. Interpreted code like Python programs tend to run on the order of 10–100 times slower than C programs. On the flip side, writing code in Python optimizes for developer time. It is not uncommon for a Python program to be 2–10 times shorter than its C equivalent. Also, a compilation step can be time consuming and actually a distraction during development and debugging.

    Running Programs In Python

    while using the interactive interpreter can be useful during  development, you (and others) will want to deploy your program and run it outside of the REPL. In Python, this is easy as well.

    Numbers In Python

    this chapter will discuss manipulating numbers with python. integers (whole numbers like -1, 5, or 2000) and Floating Points (the computer’s approximation of real numbers like .333, 0.5 or -1000.234) are available in Python and provide easy numerical manipulation. Out of the box, Python provides support for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power, modulo, and more!

    Strings In Python

    Strings are immutable objects that hold character data, A string could hold a single character, a word, a line of words, a paragraph, multiple paragraphs, or even zero characters.

    Classes In Python

    Strings, Dictionaries, Files, and integers are all objects. even function  are objects. In Python, almost everything is an object. There are some exceptions, keywords (such as in) are not objects. Also, variable names are not objects, but they do point to them. This chapter will delve deeper into what an object really is.Object is a somewhat ambiguous term. One definition of “Object- Oriented Programming” is using structures to group together data (state) and methods (functions to alter state). Many object-oriented languages such as C++, Java, and Python use classes to define what state an object can hold and the methods to alter that state. Whereas classes are the definition of the state and methods, instances are occurrences of said classes. Generally when people say object they mean an instance of a class. In Python, str is the name of the class used to store strings. The str class defines the methods of strings.

    Importing Libraries In Python

    The Previous Chapters have covered the basic constructs for Python, in this chapter, you'll learn about importing code. Many languages have the concept of libraries or reusable chunks of code. Python comes with a whole swath of libraries, commonly referred to as “batteries included”. You need to know how to use the batteries that are found in these libraries.

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