
تحميل كتاب تعلم بايثون للمبتدئين Head First Python A Brain-Friendly Guide

تحميل كتاب تعلم بايثون للمبتدئين Head First Python A Brain-Friendly Guide

    تحميل كتاب تعلم بايثون للمبتدئين Head First Python A Brain-Friendly Guide

    Head First Python A Brain-Friendly
    تحميل كتاب تعلم بايثون للمبتدئين Head First Python A Brain-Friendly Guide ، استكمالا لسلسلة تعلم بايثون للمبتدئين Learn Python نقدم لكم في هذه المقالة كتاب Head First Python A Brain-Friendly Guide pdf من تأليف Paul Barry.
    Introduction book Head First Python A Brain-Friendly Guide

    This e-book is an encyclopedia for learning programming Python for beginners, as it contains 12 main topics, these topics are divided into many sub-topics, all in 625 pages, and these some topics are covered in the book Head First Python A Brain-Friendly:-

    list data in Python

    All programs process data, and Python programs are no exception. In fact, take a look around: data is everywhere. A lot of, if not most, programming is all about data: acquiring data, processing data, understanding data. To work with data effectively, you need somewhere to put your data when processing it. Python shines in this regard, thanks (in no small part) to its inclusion of a handful of widely applicable data structures: lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets. In this chapter, we’ll preview all four, before spending the majority of this chapter digging deeper into lists (and we’ll deep-dive into the other three in the next chapter). We’re covering these data structures early, as most of what you’ll likely do with Python will revolve around working with data.

    structured data in Python 

    Python’s list data structure is great, but it isn’t a data panacea. When you have truly structured data (and using a list to store it may not be the best choice), Python comes to your rescue with its built-in dictionary. Out of the box, the dictionary lets you store and manipulate any collection of key/value pairs. We look long and hard at Python’s dictionary in this chapter, and—along the way—meet set and tuple, too. Together with the list (which we met in the previous chapter), the dictionary, set, and tuple data structures provide a set of built-in data tools that help to make Python and data a powerful combination.

    building a web app using Python

    At this stage, you know enough Python to be dangerous. With this book’s first four chapters behind you, you’re now in a position to productively use Python within any number of application areas (even though there’s still lots of Python to learn). Rather than explore the long list of what these application areas are, in this and subsequent chapters, we’re going to structure our learning around the development of a web-hosted application, which is an area where Python is especially strong. Along the way, you’ll learn a bit more about Python. Before we get going, however, let’s have a quick recap of the Python you already know.